(Updated: )

Over the years I've had a lot of questions, here are some of the most commonly asked...
I'm just one dude, sharing what I make. There isn't a team to answer and filter out emails. When I did have the contact form up, the vast majority of emails I recieved were (in no particular order)
  • Spam
  • Questions about a video with no context to the video, which would have been better as a comment on said video
  • Questions about where to buy tools or wood, while not having the decency to provide where in the world they were
  • Specific questions about tools that I don't own, that were under warranty, and could have been asked of the manufacturer
Never has this been asked by somebody without 3 hours drive of me.
Typically, I'm using whats sold as "KD HWD F17", which is a construction graded label for Victorian Ash (which is also known/sold as Tasmanian Oak, Mountain Ash, Messmate, etc).

The main difference with "construction graded" is it is to do with strength (pine is ~F5) and flaws, rather than appearance at all. I have to accept a little bit more "character", but it is considearbly cheaper
I'm constantly surprised at how popular the countersink bit is – I even made a video to directly address it!. I use a combination of zero-flute countersink bits and Carbitool countersink